Archiving my previous blog and some other projects.
This is the archived version of my previous blog which was hosted on . I made a separate GitHub account to host this static website.
I Used some wget sorcery to make a copy of the whole dynamic website to prepare it for the upload on GitHub pages.
These are the specifics of the command i used :
wget -K -E -r 10 -p -l -N -k -F -nH
these are some noteworthy projects from the archive :
Giant ass calculator. Project Video =>
Controlling the world with Bluetooth.
And some more....
555 timer alternate led flasher.
Building Cheap AF media centre.
Programming atmega8a with arduino.
A diy Bluetooth boombox (NOT on blog)
I decided to shift to a private hosting due to
Cost : who the hell charges $8 a month for WordPress hosting ? My current plan is $25 a year name-cheap hosting and i can host up to three sites on this plan .
Control : independent hosting allows much more control and freedom to what apps and scripts to install .
In future I may give up the cloud hosting too in favour of my own server with a $1.5 p.m. static IP from my ISP and throwing in a raspberry pi or two.
And that was my first post on this new blog,....